There are still a few things that I would tell my younger self.
I saw a few bloggers had a similar post and it motivated me to do one :)
Fight for what you want, don't be so quick to compromise.
There is no limit to what you can do. Do not ever listen to anyone telling you otherwise.
Be more confident, Believe in yourself.
Not everybody is meant for you, you're not meant for everybody and that's OK.
Keep in better touch with the ones you care about.
Time heals a lot. It might not feel like it but there will be other boys.
Don't worry, it gets better.
Appreciate and be more Grateful for what you have.
Life is happening the way it is suppose to, be in the Now.
Write your goals down, Visualize clearly, Plan, Act.
Just start something, practice makes it better.
You'd never be completely ready, sometimes you have trow yourself out there and see.
More than Anything
I am proud of the value you holding, even so young.
Proud of how creative and ambitious you are.
Proud of everything you've accomplished.
I wonder what this would all sound like to me 10 years from now. I wonder what my future self would think about current self.. but before I get there I'm going to try and live the best life I can, enjoy and learn as much as possible.
What would you tell your younger self?
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