It's actually been exactly 6 months today since my first blog post. I can't believe this much time have passed. I barely felt it. Even though I haven't been as consistent as I would have liked with the blog, I've really been enjoying sharing, connecting with you and reading from you both on here and on your blogs. I really wanted take the time to show my appreciation and say thank you to everyone of you.
Ok I don't want to spend too much time rambling about this half year anniversary. I think this holiday season is getting me a bit emotional. Does anyone else feels like this?
Today I want to share with you a few random thoughts that have been on my head. Some food for thoughts, note to self and to you too:
-There is no happy ever after. There is no one point you get to in life or single event that makes the rest of your life effortless and happy. Life would keep throwing challenges at you and you'd have to keep working to make things happen, grow and evolve.
-Don't believe in the misconception that a confident person is perfect. You can be the most confident person and still have flaws or insecurities. Neither flaws nor insecurities make you an insecure person. You can be confident while you're working on improving yourself.
-You can not wish for anything to change but not be willing to make a change in yourself. The whole world around you will not adjust so you can get what you want. Change starts with you.
-It's absolutely ok to have standards higher than what others expect of you. Not everyone would share your passion and vision. Fight for what you believe in.
-You should love yourself exactly as you are right now. Loving and accepting yourself doesn't mean never changing. There is no growth without change. The love you have for yourself is exactly what should push you to want what is best for yourself.
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It's actually been exactly 6 months today since my first blog post. I can't believe this much time have passed. I barely felt it. Ev...
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