I came across this posted on Instagram and it spoke to me a lot. I realize I have been wasting my time more than I have been patient with a lot of things. Slightly upsetting but I'm glad I at least came to this realization so that I can be more conscious of this in the future.
This quote got me to think about a lot of the different ways one could be wasting their time and pretty much inspired this post.
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Here are a few ways you might be wasting your time and not even realizing it:
Not being Applied
We don't always get what we want and there are a lot of times when we have to do things we do not necessarily enjoy. If you have to spent that time completing a task, regardless of whatever you may feel about it, give it your best. You'd most likely have to redo a baffled work, not just that, but only when you're applied you know where you really are and how much work you have to do to improve and get to where you and to be.
Complaining constantly
It is pretty simple, if you do not like something, change it. Constantly winning about it won't make things better. If there is nothing you can do about it, change the way you look at it/think about it. Complaining foes not improve a situation. ..if anything, it drains you for your energy and it is uncomfortable for the people around you.
Related: What NOT to Learn From Others
Thinking about what could have been
Things are exactly the way they are meant to be. There is not way to go back in time and do things differently. We can reflect on the past and learn from our mistake and see how we could improve for the future but there is no point spending time wondering how things could have turned out or resenting our current situation because of what we thought things were suppose to be.
Trying to be something you're not
We can sometimes be temped to fit in and be a little more like the ones around us. We let ourselves follow trend or #goals which do not really represent us to keep a cool image in the eyes of people we might not necessarily even care about.There is only one unique, full of potential, amazing, original YOU. No one else gets the privilege to be you. Be yourself and the right ones will walk into your life, love and value you just as you are.
Always explaining yourself
It is your life and you should live if the way it pleases you (as long as you're not harming yourself or anybody of course). You do not owe an explanation to anybody on earth for the choices you make. Do not waste any time seeking for validation from others or caring about what anyone thinks.
Are you wasting your time?.. I hope the answer to this question is no. ..but it you have been, getting conscious of it is the first step to making better decisions and making better use of your time.
I hope you all have a nice productive week ahead.
Don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments section, I always appreciate them :)